Crazy House

first sentence

second sentence

Slow down on the beers, long night ahead :rofl:

So boring night ahead for me :crazy_face:

Let us hope M & H give us a show because it is bot happening here.

And we have the first fight of the evening.

Who is going to win? :rofl: :rofl:

The wannebe Hugh Hefner in a very bad robe probably not, I think that girl could beat him although he did shove her to the couch.

:rofl: Is that a guest? I do not watch right now…

Is he not the guy from the second bedroom

This dude.

Ah Kronos or so… Ah ne Kartos. Already forgot about him :rofl: :rofl:

I do not see her on any of the cams, she sounded _____, wonder where they hid her? @jabbath1987 don’t you fucking dare say basement. :rofl:

Mystery solved, she just bough him his phone.

One day we will have a place with a basement and my joke will no longer work :joy: :joy:

What the hell is his problem

Kids _____ing Vodka in this type of environment, there is bound to be a few fight, not that I say what he did was right.

Meantime in bedroom 1 wrestling going on :innocent:

I don’t know the problem was. Is this Kartos? If so, I’ve seen him shove is own girl a few times! Seems he has no problem shoving girls around.