Crazy House

she is a witch, and she has panties that teleport from her to the room themselves

Peeping Tom window :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Must be the bathroom!

Looking Season 3 GIF by On My Block

I think they need to do a reversal on the names .this place is more of the party
House… and Kaz place is definitely the crazy house :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It looks like Estes is in the house maybe we shall get some action overnight unless he is only there for a short time but looks like he is prepared. Dobby should be well rested as she has slept the whole day!!!. But she _____s way too much once she was up first thing a cola wodka resp. a wodka shot pure… not sure about this… for me what I have observed the last2 days, this isn’t leas not heathy if not borderline addi ted…

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Dobby and 4 guys in the sauna… but non nude… in bathing suit


Dobby is on fire tonight as I said before she is well rested…

Start fucking, please!

What the hell is Dobby doing at home?? Wasn’t a fact that she have her social life outside the house??

Confused Pulp Fiction GIF

perhaps because it is Сarlos not on the site :rofl:

Who is the couple on the sofa, all three girls was dancing together and the guy shouted and told the girl to sit down with him

It’s Foster & Frida… the “resident” guests that are now using Emili & Stayls bedroom

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Oh ok thanks I thought Frida was the one in the Jean shorts who has been dancing with Dobby

That’s Klara (tenant)

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Estas is in the house… like last week. It seems that Estes also likes a good sauna…

Who don’t?

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A lot of teasing here with no outcome. But to be fair not much more interesting things in other places. So I guess I will call it a night and go to bed. Can check the timeline tomorrow to watch any sex happened in the bedrooms :wink:

they continue _____ing and _____ing…But they started also cleaning…