I’ve also said that my opinion is not based on this time, there are several, I say again that Dobby and Jason do what they want, I only ask you to switch with the apartment, not to be just this
And then I’m the one who goes on, of course
Dear premium will you answer my simple question?
When you answer my
Did your ask me a question? If it doesn’t bother you to voice it again
I’ve done it before
Is this question addressed specifically to me?
I’ve talked about it before.
If it doesn’t bother you to voice it again
Shhh Dobby is just shy
And she’s also a magician… She’s is able to lose panties outside, the panties that she never took to outside
Next time she needs to ask Carlos’ permission before going out and check if what she is wearing is appropriate, Just like Scott who has to ask his permission before taking s__t
I see our shy @carlos is still getting flak from everyone. The only guy that wants cams stuck to tampons, luminous toilet paper to see the tenant wiping their asses better, mirrors in the shower so ladies shaving have to be seen and every act that most people would prefer not to see, but hey that is our man @carlos fighting with everyone on the forum.
Just facts he said
she like to go out so what she is young cams or no cams she does need to have a life
The haters are all upset to say that Dobby and Jason have sentimental life abroad, which amazes the haters and the running of Vhtv
Long live the Klara & Kartos couple, they’re very good
he is a quixote and fights the windmills