Crazy House

Never watched it to be honest as there is nothing interesting happening there…

When they started it was something new and unique so yea I watched it.

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Anybody saw anything from that “party” they announced on Twitter? :rofl:

BB is bulls__t, but they use excellent equipment; vhtv having similar cams would have been just great; a while ago they mentioned something of installing new cams, but this is obviously a lie, and will never come about; vhtv is simply a minor cheap-ass business, and will never ever change, that’s it;

Just seen that as scanning timeline, she was previously in bed as___p and only left the bedroom because the guy in there with her kept being sick out of the window and came back i________ed herself

Seems that was the “highlight” of the night then :joy: :joy:

Possibly, just seemed a normal party happening in the living room

and now we have panty covered ass what a sight

We know that this is now a real VHTV apartment even though they have not been here that long. It is 13.00 and guess what, everyone is still in bed.

some of them just went to bed or got up and got _____ and went back to bed.
Yes I have noticed alot that most of the tenants spend the day s___ping away so they can party all night

Hell if only some of them did party. Some do fuck all but s___p all day and night. If having the occasional fuck is now considered a party then we are in for a long boring time.

This place is just epic fail … :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone know what room this is towards the bottom of stairs?

never mind found it on the map. maps are sometimes really confusing

That possibly could be the basement that Scott is renting :laughing:

Or the place for the crazy parties we don’t see… :stuck_out_tongue:

I was ready to give these guys a chance but am really disappointed so far. For a bunch of young people they are beyond boring. I think when they are all in retirements home they will look back to this time and say hey were we really that boring and try make it up, unfortunately I doubt I will see the parties.

Die Karte ist wirklich etwas verwirrend. Kamera 29 gibt es gar nicht und Kamera 23, 24, 25 und 26 sind auch nicht in den Räumen eingezeichnet, wo sie wirklich sind…

whats the couple with the dog names

I have noticed one of the kitchen cameras is missing and this will throw the camera order out by one.