Crazy House

the misfits might work

Why not “S___ping Aid” :innocent: :joy:

“The Hypersomnia house”
No known cure :rofl:

Imagine a house like that with six people like Mira & Henry and everybody of them inviting two more people to party. Would be total mayhem and deserve title crazy house :joy:

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Is he related with Katia? :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

Wie wäre es wenn man dem Haus den Namen Jugendherberge geben würde?

Und das FKK-Haus nennen wir dann Gay-Zentrale…

Yes this would be nice to see them peeing.

I have been in youth hostels crazier than that :joy:

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The girl who slept yesterday in the room Dobby - is she dobby ? Or a guest ?
She is pretty - can’t wait to see more

that’s Dobby.

This girl that had sex with Jason. Has she been here before ?
A gf or maybe a guest. Just haven’t watch much of this no pun intended :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: crazy place! She’s hot.

Yeah, that’s Frida. looks like she is Foster’s ( the guy in the picture ) GF. they have had sex before this too :wink:

D- is very i________ed :dizzy_face: too the max :joy:

If she is not too careful she will show some skin.

She really let off some steam and got i________ed after been very upset about something earlier on in the night, she cried and was comforted by Kartos.

Dobby was crying before this but nice to see her been comforted, i do like her hopefully she will become less shy about her body in front of the cams.

Only washed her hair on cam i think so far. I have not given up hope yet :heart_eyes:

She did show a little bit more skin here! :laughing:

This place is almost like a Big Brother show.

Yep fucking boring :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

Mind you Big Brother do have far better camera setup.