Had already asked that and got no answer. @Leben had asked what happens when suddenly everyone talks about innocence.
Talking about money I guess that rather implies for the managers of that place. I do not see any big financial impact on the whole site when they leave. Soon there will be a lot of different new places as always and nobody will even talk about them anymore.
However the financial loss for managers can be more of an issue.
That’s for the authorities to sort out, not you. Apparenty, the video evidence is compelling that she was oblivous to consent. I would think that you would have to have some sort of written statement prior to her unconciousness indicating her consent to be fucked in that state of mind.
How do you know that she is not under some kind of threat or coercion to tell you anything?
if she does go to police surely the boss would be incited as well for a cover up ,just be careful on that one.
I don’t decide that. What makes you think I’m deciding anything?
If the girl decides to go to the police, we’ll be sure to provide her with evidence.
Could be. She should learn that she is not only an object for guys but has rights and she should enf___e these rights. You should at least tell her that and let her make a decision not influenced by managers or other people.
There was a more harmless case with the belt, remember? The “victim” also says that it is love. They had both admonished “perpetrator” and “victim” and told the “victim” that it was not a “victim.”
You know how things are going in Russia. If they give the victim a few rubles, he will say what he has to say. If that’s not enough, you can still threaten her and tell her that you know where she lives.
In addition, she was totally _____ and if you only tell her long enough, she may also believe that she deserves it.
Do you want to convey the image of Russia?
It’s already too late for that… Surely with this decision being made, the question about the guest girl already was taking care by the ones and or their superiors that was involved in the episode
Huh? You are absolutely deciding everything it seems. Clearly nothing happens unless you decide what happens. Perhaps someone out there with a copy of the footage is doing the right thing that you won’t seem to do yourself.
Absolutely correct judgement. There is no financial loss to the project by closing the realm. Rather my decision will bring them, as many of you are upset with it and leave us as subscribers.
If we are to believe that the entirety of Russia (I’m obviously generalizing here) doesn’t know right from wrong and that managers are consulted when it comes to deciding on the outcome of something then I feel like the best decision for the greater good of everyone won’t be made, and money will prevail over most of other factors.
Если девушка вспомнит что вчера было. А то были такие девушки после вписок на другой день они спрашивали а что вчера было, а то я не помню.
And I’m working on finding out those circumstances right now, too.
That was funny too… Only after the CEO message the a___er totally changed his speech (oh i was wrong bla blabla) and quickly different sex parties were created to forget the episode
You really know Jack S__t about r__e do you. You think you are an expert when every comment I read that you write shows how little you know. This is all ABOUT YOU. You are loving this because of the old saying about advertising, even bad press is good advertising. You can see this apartment being number 1 in viewing because so many will click just to see who is there. You could not give one care about the victim. You could not give a toss about the outrage from the viewers It is all ABOUT YOU and how you are above us, the law and the world. You are the KING.
No, it’s the victim’s choice. no one can stop her from reporting the incident to the local police. but the question is if she agrees with our assessment of this incident. does she also think that she was r__ed ? she might have a different take on the whole situation. and no judge and jury are going to convict anyone of this crime if the victim tells them she does not believe that she was ______. but of course if she wants to press charges the right thing for VHTV would be to support her claim, but that option has its own complications as well.
When you find out the girl was not able to speak without any threat or influence will you rervise your decision of closing the place?
One can only imagine what kind of intimidation and coercion happened to the poor girl after the fact. This is why you don’t need the victim to press charges in cases like this when you have in hand the actual and compelling video evidence. The right thing to do is to report the crime and let the chips fall where they may. It’s not VHTV’s place to make this decision, nor is it the victim.
The big problem is if she was able to take that decision without any pressure or influence by others? I have my doubts about that…