Stop giving us your pretentious BS, I do not believe one word that you write on here. You can’t change anything, of course you can’t because of cowards like you who make decisions that are so absurd and cowardly.
They way to s___p well at night and keep the b___d off your hands is by doing the right thing according to the law. VHTV has a moral obligation to report serious crimes, such as r__e, to the proper authorities. Sweeping r__e under the carpet makes you a party to a cover up.
Really? So when I witness a r__e in Russia where the victim gets so permanently injured she is no longer able to report anything her whole life the r____ts will get away with it?
Because victim can’t report it…
Reading all this, and other topics, I get the impression that r__e and domestic violence is totally accepted in Putinist (ie. Stalinist) Russia. There is no reason to report it to the authorities, because there will be no consequences. The only reason the footage is removed, is to avoid being blacklisted by the payment companies that reside in the civilized world, who serve all the civilized viewers who actually pay for this.
It is so sad, and sickening.
anche in italia purtroppo la legge e la stessa…
@Max_Muster Вы все наезжаете на СЕО но вот посмотри статистику по нашей стране
19-20 год
Is unwanted sex always denied
Sometimes, even with a reluctance to engage in sexual intercourse, people still agree to it. And this is far from being f___ed or threatened.
According to a survey conducted by the NGO Center for Women’s Perspectives, men and women agreed to unwanted sex because:
believed that they had a certain debt to a partner - 51%;
did not want to experience resentment and accusations because of the refusal - 23%;
did not want to lose a partner - 16%;
were dependent on the initiator of sexual intercourse - 7%;
they were threatened or used f___e - 8%;
there were other reasons - 16%.
Answered one post above.
That’s totally fucked up. What a fucked up sistem, jesus christ…
The CEO could now say the wrong country.
Ukraine may already be further along here, as in many things.
It’s my personal decision.
That is not true at all. So all a r____t has to do is k__l the girl and no charges can be filed? You do not need the r__ed to press charges. You need evidence of a r__e, which you have in your possesion. You have a duty to report serious crimes like r__e and m____r that happenn on your site. That’s how you get s___p, not by covering up crimes.
Well dear friend, you deserve everything they are telling you.
AH if you could choose those subscribers too!
You are right to say that Russian customs are not those of Western Europe or the United States on many subjects. This is the major problem of Westerners (that I am): we judge (it is the right word) according to our morals of people who have another culture. Why would ours be the right one, the only one? Why should our western values be universal?
I have always preferred people who make decisions to people who judge decisions. Yours is taken and I would have taken the same.
The 3 month probation is a good thing. A bottle of ■■■■ per evening, I’m not commenting … you understand me! The consultant in “good practices”, I do not comment either …
Let’s be pragmatic, when will they be online?
So that is your excuse. You think after a horrible ordeal a woman wants to report r__e. She need the support of family, friends and the platform it happened on. Now she can relive the r__e by simply going on VHTV and seeing the culprits still earning money as if nothing happened. My wish is somebody who is clever enough gets the footage of the r__e to all the credit card companies and every other means of payment to your site and they refuse payments to you.
Believe me there are even countries where the girls will get punished for getting r__ed or more precisely providing the opportunity to be r__ed and we are in 21st century !!!
That would be m____r, another article, a public charge.
Then for God’s sake, you should take care of her, support her, and help her report it.
I know, as I wrote in my post, I was prepared for it and that’s my part of the punishment.
And my point is that it’s not VHTV’s decision to make. They have video evidence of a serious crime. The only proper response from them would be to report it to the proper authorities and handover all of the evidence. This is really unbelievable that he thinks he can just wish it way as if he is the law.
According to Wikipedia. But there is nothing on who can report it:
According to the Article 131 of the Criminal Code of Russia, r__e is defined as heterosexual vaginal intercourse using violence or threat of violence or if the victim is in a helpless state. The other forms of a violent sexual intercourse (male-male, female-male, female-female and non-vaginal male-female) are called “coercive sexual actions” and are punishable by the Article 132. These two crimes, however, are punishable identically. Besides, such crimes as sexual relations with a person under the age of consent (16 years as of 2013, article 134) and depraved actions (Article 135), if committed against a person under 12 years since 2012 are considered r__e or coercive sexual actions (depending on sex of the offender and the victim and the type of intercourse) and punished according to the articles 131 or 132, because such victim is deemed to be in a helpless state due to his/her age. However, the Article 134 punishes sexual activity between same-sex pairings harsher than sexual activity between opposite-sex pairings when one of the persons is under 16 years old.
R__e or coercive sexual actions without any aggravating circumstances are punishable with 3 to 6 years of imprisonment. If the crime:
- was committed repeatedly (against 1 or more than 1 victim)
- was committed by a group of criminals
- was committed with a threat of m____r or grievous harm to the health
- was committed with particular cruelty (e.g. the criminal used violence that caused severe physical pain or the crime was committed in presence of relatives of the victim)
- caused an STD infection
then it is punishable with 4 to 10 years of imprisonment with possible subsequent restraint of liberty for up to 2 years (i.e. the criminal may not change or leave residence without permission and must register himself at local penal inspectorate 1 to 4 times a month; court may also impose additional restrictions such as the criminal may not leave home in certain hours, visit certain locations, change work without permission).
If the crime
- Was committed against a person between 14 and 18 years
- Caused the grievous harm to the health, HIV infection or other grievous consequences (e.g. suicide of the victim)
then it is punishable with 8 to 15 years of imprisonment with the subsequent mandatory restraint of liberty for up to 2 years and a possible ban on certain occupations or employment positions for up to 20 years.
If the crime
- Caused the death of the victim by inadvertency
- Was committed against a person under 14 years
then it is punishable with 12 to 20 years of imprisonment with the subsequent mandatory restraint of liberty for up to 2 years and a possible ban on certain occupations or employment positions for up to 20 years.
If the crime was committed against a person under 14 years by the criminal who had previously been sentenced for a sexual crime against a minor then it is punishable with 15 to 20 years of imprisonment with mandatory ban on certain occupations or employment positions for up to 20 years or with life imprisonment.[70]