Cooper & Charlize

Finally offline…

I’d say strongly recommended. Unfortunately sometimes they don’t have decent choice.

I say they should not allowed choosing apartments where this is not possible. :wink:

Probably the only 2 guys here. And the 2 girlfriends
Definitely not the class of Zach & blonde

That is good as both were idiots :joy:

I don’t see a cat. An apartment is nothing without a cat. VHCTV is the way forward. It must be a hard and fast rule that all potential participants come ready with a cat. Preferably a kitten. Or two. But not bald cats, they just look ill. They are not televisually pleasing. Fluffy cats with mad personalities. I don’t know what I’m waffling on about. I like the apartment. there, a positive. the kitchen is decent, good lighting in there. :+1:

The girl is nice to look at. :heart_eyes:

Tues but both eye candy for the ladies .and still today they brought in some of the hottest girls. Of course they both were studs like Berg

Which one .2 girls here. Offline now

That’s very good for girls safety if they aren’t like those two retards

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May some be allowed to get a dog please?

Bernie Sanders Diversity GIF by Democratic National Convention

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sure, as long as they look like cats. :wink:

Floppy eared dogs though. Everything is better when a dog has floppy ears. :hugs:

That’s been said for 5 years. :joy:

wows… there are 40 apartments listed now… is this a new record?

I know there’s been 41 before now.

At this rate they will be at 50 the end of year :slightly_smiling_face: :facepunch:

Probably around 43-44

Online now.

Still the same.

Yes, please…we need more dogs on the site. :dog: