Cooper & Charlize

Sorry for issues, guys asked for some more minutes and then we’ll have to put them offline. They haven’t got 2nd ISP yet unfortunately

O boy @david @Daleys going to love love this Apartment then. :rofl:

Why not wait to open the place til everything is ready? (2nd ISP as well) ? :wink:

I guess it will be a place like Zack, Blonde was…

Please do it’s impossible to watch at the moment one second they are in the kitchen a second later they have disappeared serious lagging.

I have just seen them. Not properly yet though. I will be interested to see what happens there. :slight_smile:

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Or many many rotational pussies :rofl:

They are not there yet. No luggage there.

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i saw two couples there… in the kitchen taking care of stuff

Maybe there str8 that would be something. :slightly_smiling_face:

But no trace of any luggage…

no problem for me it’s ok the moment i can see some nice asses you know me :wink:

That’s the normal situation :stuck_out_tongue: It’s just a fuck studio

2 men in the kitchen? I saw Stifler on the balcony earlier as well…this isn’t him as one of the two.

They’re stuff in the bedroom on the floor near the wardrobe a bag and some clothes.

That is Stiflers.

@kaya can you please post a photo of them so we know who is who? :wink:

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Come on that would mean they’d need some common sense

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Some don’t have it at all :pensive:

Oh I thought it was a requirement…