Cooper & Charlize

Es una pena la verdad a mi si me gustaban cooper y charlize este lugar dejo de ser bueno por lo que pasó y por tantas restricciones yo dudo mucho que este lugar sea popular sin ellos charlize era magnífica y cooper también si no hubiera sido por que lo que pasó estoy seguro que sería el lugar favorito de la mayoría. En fin que les vaya muy bien en su futuro y mis mejores deseos para ellos 2 espero que en algún futuro vuelvan renovados


They can still be visiting for short times/staying there for longer periods as guests:)

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So will the ______ ban still be in place for the friend staying behind or is this a different friend?

Is it just a name change?

I don’t think so, but anyway it doesn’t mean they should disappear completely;)

For obvious reasons, it will make a lot of viewers happy but it will also disappoint others. It was a popular apartment until that incident.

I think this is that friend, and then I assume it will still take a place. But can’t say for sure - I haven’t seen future tenants names yet

Jennifer & Bradley would be best :+1: :+1: :heart_eyes:

Let’s face it that place was done after the r__e incident one way or another. Putting the second guy who was involved as participant with his friend won’t change a thing. The only way to save at least the apartment is to put in completely new people. Otherwise next failure is imminent…

Agree, they should start with a clean slate, keeping the friend on seems like a dumb decision, if that is indeed what they decide to do.

Still one of my all time best apartments Jennifer and Bradley

Indeed and I guess the visited there not long time ago. I think it is possible it will be them. :heart_eyes:

more time off work lol

Karma is good :blush:

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it will undoubtedly go downhill because, if it is the usual friend he was never much more than a wingman. Cooper was the alpha male and Charlize was the reason we all watched it.

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Wow didn’t expect to come back from my suspension to see that Cooper & Charlize have decided to move on, perhaps my comments and protests weren’t in vain afterall. It’s a bit concerning to see that the friend may be back though, hopefully VHTV will rethink that decision.

I wonder what takes so long there?

Do you mean my suspension?

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Nope til they moved out and the new people moved in :wink:

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Good question, thought you might have a better idea. Mind you, some relocations take forever as well.