Cooper & Charlize

im out i canceld my next payment im done here

I believe that one day something even worse will end up happening, and it will be seen live.

When is the realm expected to be online again?

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So it would be your job (via the sub-partners) that the girls are safe.
Sex and parties are OK, but as soon as there are signs that she doesn’t want it, STOP.

Of course, it’s easy to say, in Russia it’s not persecuted, so we let the guys & girls do everything.

We only have to solve the films if it gets too bad, because VISA & Co are not so relaxed.

So you could make a difference, but not by showing that you can BUY YOURSELF FREE.

And unfortunately you are helping it saying: hey boys we accept you back but behave, it was the last time we let you r__e someone on cams. Unfortunately we forgot to tell you that r____g someone isn’t allowed on our company, it’s our fault

queste sono cavolate dopo una situazione del genere dovreste subito eliminare i partecipanti e in più denuciarli con tanto di prove ovviamente…

I guess you can wrap that nonsense around yourself like a warm blanket then. You know that you’re not doing the right thing and so you’re trying to find a way out to spare your guilt. Ultimately, your decision was to protect r____ts and sweep this under the rug. That’s the person you are.

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idk what think for real, i respect the decision of VHTV but in italian we say : “il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio” this means cooper could do the same things again, unless he is serious about being a good guy, and above all not going crazy like he did in the lodge, i understand girls are prey for him but at least try to hunt them down when they’re not _____ they can’t stand up

I can’t reveal everything. I can describe in general terms. The fine for v_______n is not so big. Unfortunately, we cannot impose a higher fine because at this point the regulations have already been stipulated. Also the entire studio is disqualified from the current contest, in which they are the main contenders. That’s more than the fine for the infraction, significantly more. Also, the studio has a “conditional” penalty - any problem with the rules v_______n will withdraw them from the contest for a month (4 contests), which will be even more (4 times). In addition, we are amending the rules - from now on, all violent actions will end with the unconditional closure of the realm. We also set clear rules about what exactly is a violent action. So that no one else can say “and we thought it was okay”.

Sorry last word before I am out. I am going to make it my mission to encourage every viewer on the forum to come to this topic and call the tenants r____ts every single day. Whenever somebody writes something nice I will reply, hey remember that r__e. In all hope that the tenants read this forum and know what I think of them and they will only be remembered as r____ts everyday they are here.


We are not watching a movie. of course she can go to the police and report it if she believes she was r__ed, Russia is not the wild west, R__e is a serious crime there.
and yes she was in no state to consent to anything, but since the incident she has had time ti reflect on it and decide what wants to do if she believes that she is the victim. but if she doesn’t believe that, the case is closed regardless of what we think about it.

I don’t need to know the victim to know that they are a victim. I also know that pressure can compell even a victim to not see themselves as a victim, but that does not make them less a victim.

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@VHTV_James ricordatevi che appena tornano in linea faremo di tutto per eliminarli gente del genere deve essere denunciata e poi deve sparire da vhtv…

il problema è che la legge in russia è diversa dalla nostra

in meglio oppure in peggio…

per i diritti umani in peggio

There are many victims who blame themselves, it is only with the right support are they able to acknowledge what happened to them was r__e, and find the courage to report it.

That’s just not accurate. You don’t need a victim report to convict another person of a crime against that person. If that were the case, the state would be incentivising criminals to silence their victims. A crime is a crime regardless of the intent of the victim to pursure justice.

Sorry but you cannot f___e me to do anything. I will not come to any topic and say what you want for your personal gain.

sono peggio di noi italiani?