Consecutive post topic

The topic was only closed because they found out about their so called editing a post might not be the so called bee knees they kept telling us. It opens up a whole can of worms for other issues.

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It’s an arbitrary and punitive policy that is meant to appease the people here who hate me, in order to stop the tickets from being posted on my comments. The same tactic that they used to get their way on CamCaps, they are using here. They want to stifle me any chance they can get. It’s ridiculous!

Its not only you, you know that right.

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No way you cracked me! Imagine me closing the topic because of a possibility of me being wrong about editing the latest post which could bump the topic. It is definitely not related to how far the original topic was driven out of the subject.

Dear Amy, the whole forum was built to catch your attention in order to t_____e you with our decisions. In reality, the Voyeur-House.TV was built for the same purpose in the first place, in hope to find you, our beloved Drama Messiah, and destroy the project in front of your eyes to cause you pain and despair.

Drama Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Thank you. I appreciate that. All I wanted to do was follow Maddy’s apt the way we used on CamCaps. I didn’t think it was going to blow up into this. I honestly didn’t think anyone would care.

If you ever need a comment at maddy’s place tell me if i’m arond i will help you . :+1:
And i dont give a s__t if everyone going to hate me.

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And here comes the part where I get made fun of by the site to the glorious howls and laughter of the crowd. Amy is bad. Everything she does is bad. And everything she will ever do is bad. If you think that then just do it and ban me. But if you don’t and you think I have some degree of purpose beyond that lie then maybe stand up for me once and while and put them in their place too. Maybe step in when people are insulting me and saying that I’m all bad. I’m a customer too you know. I do what I do and then people come at me sometimes in very harsh ways and never do you ever do anything to stop them. It’s alway me that gets punished and it’s always me that is the culprit. I get treated like s__t around here.

Dont give in Jin.
It is now clear that you are not allowed to say much about the rules here.

It’s clear that I am not allow to say much. Just leave it at that. It sucks, but it’s to be expected. It’s open season on me here and it always will be.

g help GIF

See! Exactly. Anyone else want to jump in on it. They won’t stop you. Go right ahead. Say what you really think.

Look I’m not trying to disrespect you or anything but I honestly don’t know what you are trying to achieve, you asked for multiple consecutive posts the answer was no, end of topic but instead you have to throw a tantrum and think the world is against you because you haven’t got your way

It’s hardly just paranoia. Walk around here in my shoes and then come talk to me about civility. I’m passionate about things that are damaging to me. I paid for a sub so that I could track Maddy’s apt and really any other Latina apartment, but no, have a road block Amy and fuck you too. Haha! Has anyone called you a bitch a dick, a troll, a moron? Has anyone told your to shut the fuck up and described your motives for being here as sinister? Has the admin punished you for defending yourselves against people who would do and say such things? I earned my right to be defensive. I’m not angry, but I am somewhat perturbed by the way I get treated around here.

Hi Kermit bro how they treating you ? looks cold where you are is that a-hole boring you , i have spair ear-plugs i will swim over and help fit them :upside_down_face:

So much for being a nice guy huh? I’ll add asshole to list of things I’ve been called. It’s open season on me, a paying customer Lovely!