Clara & Stas

Welcome back Clara :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That is Vaky. I already updated the Wiki :wink:

When were they ever there? I can’t find anything in the archive

The more new videos get upload they delete old videos

Not true at all. The very first videos ever made are still there…

I wonder if she still does her squirting show?.She sometimes did it wirh a friend also.

Many videos are removed from archive :smirk:


Yes there were removed some videos. But stop lying and saying they get removed because too old…

Here you go:

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delivered on request




:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: Какая красивая!!!

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I look forward to her first cleaning of the bathtub :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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А что в ванной ни так… Как вариант можно камеру что смотрит на ванную чуууууть опустить…

Yes, the bathroom camera setup is maybe different than it used to be?

Old video from the archives. Clara used to have one of the most “adventurous” bathroom camera angles. Times have changed for the better, IMHO.

These trolls back?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Who will be next ?? Antony&Gia to have the complete scum group back??

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No need to be like this. Anthony & Gia let us down and dropped out with debts. Clara & Stas decided to drop us and our franchise and turn to a project built by a person who, basically, scammed us, but it’s not a very big deal for us.

Clara & Stas are working with VHTV again now based on the same conditions as everyone else does, as it always has been. If there’s anyone to blame them - it’s us, not you or anybody else.


Oh dear I think Carlos is going to be upset with this place as there is obviously not enough light and she is shy here. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: