No, it was my fertile period, and my vagina was very wet. lol
We’re talking about money. This is a conversation for adults. hahahaha
I just love it when you talk dirty
Of course, I love the content, but I love talking to different people all over the world. This is as close as I’ll ever get to world travel. I’ve spoken to so many people in so many different countries around the world I’ve lost count.
Sure, you get a couple of jerks and trolls every now and then, but for the most part people are decent and interesting.
Clara, Hi from the northwestern US.
You are absolutely gorgeous! Love your very fit and sexy body…and you’re so free with your sexuality! A truly beautiful spirit!
“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” (Oscar Wilde)
Full body peeling!
Daaaaammmm !
I also like talking with people from all over the world. The internet brings us closer. To be honest, I’m more open with my fans than with people outside. I think it has become a community.
Oh my, thank you, 420buddy. It means a lot to me. Kisses.
This is very true. I’m waiting to start reading “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. But I want to finish reading “The Misstress Manual” first. I’m currently reading that book. I wanted to read them at the same time, but I’d ruin the experience if I did.
I’m trying a new color scheme here. It looks really nice. My favorite is with Waki. What do you think?
Lovely photos
Ha ha ha! No, that’s not right. It’s just coffee, salt, and olive oil.