Christmas 2021

I wonder who will be the first to put up their Christmas decorations? I wonder who will be the first to have a sex-cellent Christmas party? Who do you think is the primary participant in all this to give Santa a BJ if they met him in the middle of the night? What kind of Christmas toys do you think participants need most this year? This is just a bit of fun I’m sure we could all possibly expand on :wink:
Any predictions guys of what we might see happening under the mistletoe this year?

I Want Both Matt Leblanc GIF

Not exactly a decoration as such but I did see Jaro the other day in a Santa hat (and NOTHING else :open_mouth: ). He was the first person I have seen doing anything Christmas related, this year.

Tessa got out her Christmas sweater already two weeks ago…

Fair enough. I wasn’t watching (surprisingly :laughing: ) so I didn’t know that.

And Elaine had the Christmas tree on loggia all the time…

Same answer as before (relating to me not watching and therefore not knowing)! :wink::laughing:

I did not watch her too… I guess nobody did

I saw the Christmas tree in the living room the other day and got quite angry. I was like,

how dare you foist this ridiculous festival of greed upon my person so early in the season. How very dare you. And it’s a plastic tree. Gah pfft tsk.

then I had my Weetabix and felt better.

OK HUGE and very important question…
Are you a ‘drown Weetabix in milk so it turns to mush almost immediately’ kind of guy?! :laughing:

I’m a two in the bowl, add some milk, sprinkle sugar, add another bix, add more milk, add more sugar, eat while soft but not mushy hopefully, and eat fast sort of guy. any milk left in the bowl at the end the dog gets, unless he’s feeling fussy, in which case he gets mocked. :blush: