The option for a non-recurring membership for 30 days has also been removed. VHTV, f@ck off…and good bye
you can cancel here , fill in details email you use for this site and card details Verotel Order Page - Cancel your membership
anyone else needing to know how to stop the re-occouring subscription from verotel , After you have signed up go to this link ,fill out details ie: email used to sign in and card details press send , subscription will be cancelled once it runs out
With Revolut you also have virtual one-time credit cards, these work for one transaction and then the number is changed.
Revolut also works in the Ukraine.
There are actually two cards (one of them is a one-time credit card for transactions where you may not want them to be able to debit more often).
I’ve read though the chat and now I’ve got myself confused, I like most only wanna 30 subscription (depending on what’s going on on the site) can I still do this by buying it then contacting vhtv surport to then cancel at the end or do I have to do one of forms mentioned?
The best way would be as mentioned by @Lazurus_aka_Virgil
Thank you for clearing that up!
I recently bought a 30 days subscription and haven’t noticed anywhere saying that it is a recurring subscription. I won’t try to cancel it and just wait to see if it’s a recurring one. If that’s the case, i’m quite sure it is illegal without the customer being informed when subscribing
all virotel subscriptions are automatically re occouring , you have to request for a cancelation ,
No you are wrong…there is NOTHING illegal about this WHATSOEVER. it’s actually quite simple. Just do as instructed above… it isn’t rocket science!
I understood this. What i meant is that Vhtv needs to inform their customers that they’re buying an recurring subscription. Also they need to provide all the cancellation info as well
It’s clearly mentioned during checkout
But thanks to your feedback, we will see if we can make it more obvious for customers
I just went again thru the process and (paying more attention) i seen where it is. It can be made a little bit more obvious indeed. The old ticking box was perfect.
Also, now you need to provide info about the cancellation process as well
Verotel Order Page - Cancel your membership could you not ask if this link be added to the payment page , would solve a lot of these queries , but then again by adding it , it would stop you getting a few extra sneaky unwanted subscriptions sorry the last part was meant as a joke
That’s not really a joke. It is a legal request that the cancelation link and process needs to be displayed
That part of your comments on the subject, I do agree with, yes definitely. It DOES need to be put back in place.
this part was meant as ajoke .allthough i would understand those that didntfind it funny
only verotel can add that box not vhtv as all payments are handles by them , its upto verotel to add the box and there is no legal binding contract that it be there , just another dirty trick by a 3rd party payment service, as long as they mention it in the sign up process then they are covererd and they do mention it cleverly snuck in where it could be missed
I loved the way box was displaying the recurring thing, but it can’t be back as it’s non-optional now. But I believe we are going to come up with something similarly obvious