A_____l strikes again…
He also hurt his arm
You can’t blame a_____l for everything. There is a_____l in many places but they do not a___e their pets.
If he’s new and becomes nameworthy… I’d like to nominate the name Slater for him!
I blame it on the a_____l and on the whole series of events that happen. It was angry on Toriana earlier, Wynona tried to calm him down. Who knows what arguments he’s got with Inga outside that made him hurt his arm…
He’s been more than ok and friendly with the cats yesterday and the whole day today
A quick grab of the cat is this now a___e?
En waar staat het , dat ik heb gezegt dat Ceres de kat heeft mishandeld ?
Ik heb enkel gevraagd wat de kat Ceres heeft misdaan
i did a ticket, so support will have a look, if there is nothing wrong we will see
I was just asking i haven’t watched other apartment with this sort of thing so i don’t know. Others mentioned a___e.
Support answered:
I have alerted the managers, thank you.
Best wishes,
Voyeur House TV Support
If he did what he did to the poor cat to another person in a public place he would be liable for an assault charge. It was an outrageous act against an a____l.
That’s the problem I’ve written before. A ban on VHTV is not enf___ed or sometimes simply lifted. Examples are Junior, Ben, Alec, etc…
I know what you mean
I was just asking because to me it looks like he just went to grab the cat but a bit too hard. I don’t know the a____l laws regarding what is a___e and how hard or what way you can touch a cat that become a___e. Kicking and slapping an a____l was all i known to be a___e before i don’t know what happens now.
As if things couldn’t get more ridiculous
The poor thing got hit totally by surprise. Just resting on the sofa and all of a sudden he hits from behind. This is not okay at all.
The cat was resting on the bed he just got up from where he was and literally threw the cat off the bed for no reason as the cat was lying down s___ping.
If the cat turned around and bit Ceres it could be trying to defend itself against his aggression towards it. I will not watch the footage because I hate seeing defenceless a____ls being a___ed. I said earlier I thought Ceres was a decent guy but he has gone from hero to zero in my eyes now.
Again, with all the silliness I read in the forum, I become more convinced the forum should be closed down and eliminated