
En het circus blijft maar duren :dizzy_face:

Guys let’s try not to bicker so much. If you have to can you kindly take the discussion to the Chamber of Chatters?
Thank you and much love to everyone! :blush: :hugs:

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Made me think of this. God I’m a nerd.

Pot kettle black!:joy:

I am still trying to find out who this is
does anyone know?


New boy i believe


Wow, he’s a handsome fellow, Isn’t he?! :laughing:

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Yes, tonight’s action takes place off-camera in the hallway outside the apartment.

I don’t understand. I am not trying to bicker with anyone. I just want to spread peace and love to everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :peace_symbol: :heart:

Not known to us (“us” in general, that is) then?

Well, to me he is a new guest, I have never seen him before


Fair enough, thank you for answering. The mystery continues

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Of course you are! :hugs:

A cheeky look over the shoulder! :open_mouth:

Would love to be the one having the cheeky look.

Oh yes, me too! :slight_smile:

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Ceres heeft precies zijn rechter hand pijn gedaan :thinking:

Ceres toch wat heeft die poes jouw misdaan :rage:

i did a ticket
 so support can check it out

looks to me as he a___ed the poor cat

I at first thought he stumb__d and kind of fell but from the other angle looks totally intentional :scream::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: