
What celebrities or famous people would you love to watch if they were participants at VHTV?

Don’t limit yourself to decades or centuries, btw.

Obligatory GIF to make you all mad:

blanket kiss

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Nowadays Rihanna. She’s hot and a total exhibitionist. Well yes and she can sing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really a celebrity maybe but totally the ancient Rome emperors palace with all the orgies happening there. Minus all the b____lities of course.

And of course as everyone will say Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion :joy:

Interesting topic for sure. Also raises the question of the definition of a celebrity. I guess Anna & Alex are some kind of celebrities here on the site too :joy:

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To stay with VHTV in Russia: Rasputin.
In his day he was known as the “sex god”.

Woodman as a production director

Wouldn’t Caligula give him a head start?

Was that guy for real or only a movie?

Nah that ugly fat guy gives me the creeps :see_no_evil:

Sex with Anfisa Chekhova, there was such a program on TV. So I would look at VHTV, but her as an actor and not a presenter

Any photo of her?

Who is Caligula?
Caligula - the most depraved rulers in the history of mankind

Always thought that title goes to Nero…

https://tvcenter.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1205890616_anfisa-chekhova-1159x1500.jpg look

Not bad at all :stuck_out_tongue:

this theme reminded me of house 2, so many celebrities came there that you can’t count them all

so they can both be invited will complement each other :wink:

Obviously they’d be in their prime, but for starters:
Alexander the great, Cleopatra, Robin Hood and his posse, Dick Turpin, Blackbeard, Nell Guinn, Mozart. Casanova, Mae West, Valentino, Jane Russell, Montgomery Clift, Tab Hunter, Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak, Mr Ed, Paul Newman, Chita Rivera, Jane Fonda, Oliver Tobias, Cary Elwes, Matt Dillon, Rebecca De Mornay, Emelio Esteves.
I can’t think of anyone more recent just now. I’ll just bunch this lot together in a big house and see how things turn out. Keep the ______ stocks up and the music funky. Partay time! :crazy_face:

Helena of Trojan and Caesar

Anaïs Nin, along with June and Henry Miller.

Marija Nikolajewna Romanowa (Maria Romanowa), Татьяна Николаевна Романова (Tatiana Romanowa), Ольга Николаевна Романова (Olga Romanowa), Анастасия Николаевна Романова (Anastazja Romanowa)

michelle pfeiffer :star_struck:

michelle pfeiffer GIF