Can we have a house populated only by cats? Cats fighting each other like boxers, trying to screw each other, licking their own pussies, and generally acting up are sometimes more entertaining to watch than their humans, especially on slow nights like tonight. Let’s hear it for the real pussies!!!
I speak for Fedya
When done well such a place would have more views than about 40% of all the other places on the site But there are some questions to consider:
- So how do we pay the cats? With special food? New toys to play with?
- What about guests? Who is responsible to check IDs when they invite other cats?
- When cats are shy and cover cams who is responsible?
- Are they allowed to cam on Caturbate ?
- When place is succesful and cats want become managers the cats might take over the site
- A lot of dogs might enter the forums and complain why they do not get a place too and VHTV is discriminating dogs
- When two cats are named Indira & Kostja the topic will have 50.000 posts in first night…
- Do we add human visitors as pets in the Wiki for that place?
Don’t know how to solve the ID part, or what to do when they cover the cams (some of them already have a bad habit of sticking their butts right up against the cams, like one of them did in Medea’s bedroom while Wayne was with Audrina) - but I like all the other ideas!!!
Also, we have the Lust House, we’ve had the Crazy House, the Fun House and what have you - why not The Cat House???
It will have more lust, be more crazy and more fun than all these houses together
There are participants with that habit too
Come on folks give your vote for that
If we voted for best cat in the house.vhtv would probably give it to M&H
When this topic can get ten votes (You can vote when you scroll up in the left corner) I will actually suggest that to support and see how they will react to it
Myself & Fedya count for 2 votes
Okay in that case vote at least once by pressing the vote button
Fedya is not in the project at the moment, so his vote is null & void
Cmon could you turn that cuttle little thing down
He may never be back, taking forever to relocate. I hope not though
I heard they haven’t even found a place yet.thinking thats most of the down time. Sometimes it can take a month. Hope not.
So they’re s___ping on the streets
Probably all in a basement somewhere. Fedya is probably climbing walls