they drag henry into the guest room, want to have their peace and quiet
Henry is really wasted!! Two naked girls and he dont even open the eyes.
I think shelby want another round .
but with anny , without henry. he just gets in the way
selby is totally psyched, the sex was so good
they left the dog alone
And henry awakes…
now it’s all over. selby is about to get loud
he grabs her arse kisses her on the back and she turns away
haha the poor guy, tries to lick her and she turns away every time. what a joke
She likes and respects mira…and dont like henry.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she smacked him straight away, she has already made it clear a few times that she doesn’t want that
really… i missed this. Its creepy foot guy… I may not re-new my subscription next month… this is such a huge disappointment.
oha is selby mad at henry because he keeps trying against her will
Who is Fenir?
anny’s friend
His name is Fenrir
But she willfully kisses him, so I think she still likes him…as a friend. After all she’s living in his apt…for now anyway.