Carolyn, Merida

No, I believe she’s crying because of Henry. She wants Henry back and he’s not going to do it because she has left him twice and from what somebody else said, she threw away the ring she doesn’t want to be in her own apartment. She wants to be with him again

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Nothing to do with that whatsoever and if anything it is the other way around after listening to them speaking last night but it will never happen as there are too many complexities.


Let me have my moment of my own dirty imagination, please. :joy: :joy: :fire: :wink:


My question would be: I always thought that Mira and Henry, both run a management together? So Shana would have two managers, right? :thinking:
Henry probably won’t have much say, though. :wink: :laughing:

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I can only go by the conversations between them, e.g. When Mira said: ‘I am your manager have some respect’ and when Henry said to Shana: ‘I have no influence over Mira your manager’, virtually saying that he couldn’t do anything, but in reality, Henry is the driving force behind everything for those realms and is more rational and less emotional than Mira, so she listens to what he says she has more experience in doing this.
As to the motives for Henry letting Mira be her manager, I have no idea and are open to interpretation…

I always had the impression anyway that if there was a rift somewhere or somehow in the big ‘Henry universe’. That it’s always Mira who smoothes things over.

She is kind of smoothing over Henrys basic temperament. That is my small guess. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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At the end of the day, Henry has more to lose, so he comes accross as the more stable one.
For example last night he took Mira’s mobile off her and told her to ignore the message as it will only wind her up more.

She’s a subcontractor :wink: But what ever it is, as we can see there relationship is working for them as thangs stand.

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Well, I’m glad you understand it but again as you see, it was just my opinion from my observation, but you saying because of a lot of the complexities of the situation can’t it be true that that could be one of the complexities

Sorry, I haven’t the slightest idea what you are trying to say. Would you be so kind as to write it in a different way. Thanks

Ah I get it now. No not really as Henry was the controling force in this matter last night and there was no meantion from Mira about getting back together and I think they e happy with the status quo as it is.

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Who is the girl in purple…very Hot

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She’s new I think and doesn’t have a name yet your right she’s hot as fuck :fire:

Hopefully we see more of her


This one is always with that grumpy face…what is the problem with her?

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probablement mal baiser :star_struck: :star_struck: :hugs:

Gevorg is back to square one! :sweat_smile: :hugs:


Glad to see him again. Probably less stress being s guest than a participant. Particularly if you are the only one in the apartment.


Still here now with a visit from Anny! :sweat_smile: :hugs:

And now “the old core gang” gathered! :sweat_smile: :yum:

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