back to her 2017 color
not quite she was a redhead back then was even a redhead when she visited anna &alex apartment a couple of months before joining VHTV she just needed to redo it ,which henry obliged by doing it the following morning after they joined that inturn turned into our first view of sex between them on camera
Why is there a Christmas tree up? It’s neither Christmas in July or anywhere close to December?
Imaginary Christmas nearly all year long?
When Carolyn emptied out the wardrobe to create the “studio”, I guess she didn’t know where to put it at, the loggia is occupied by Henry’s tires and rims.
So instead of laying it along the wall in the bedroom or so, she put it up.
Good old fashioned recycling. Skikkelig godt gammaldags gjenbruk.
Damn, I like this girl. From what I gather, she’s taken a shower now. So if a name for her is up, I’ve already made my suggestion, which I stand by - Bente
Bente er et helt ålreit navn det. Det viktigste er at hu får et navn en dag, tenker jeg.
Scandinavian name, but there certainly stranger and weirder names here for a forum where the official language is English. So it may pass the quality control if we are lucky
Den oversettelsen til engelsk, den passerte ikke helt kvalitets sjekken. At hu får et navn, fikk oversettelsen til å bli: That you get a name. Ikke helt riktig. But it still gets better and better for every day that passes by.
I see fat people don’t give off much energy during sex. I’m gonna start thinking about my weight.
It’s a matter of the length of the penis. Changing your weight won’t help you at all