For me…they did a poor job when they brought back Otto & Lola. One cam and it cuts off the heads of the participant if they are working at the cabinet. Old room had two cams and were very well placed. Just saying my thoughts on the Otto and Lola apartment…
Moved your post into separate thread. You can request some angles to be reconsidered. These will be taken into consideration and, if agreed by all parties, will be adjusted for a better view. Is there anything else you’d like to suggest for this particular apartment?
@support team will take a look at this
No just need to fix the one free cam and add at least one more as in the old apartment…tks
I wish they would have some friends over to play with…
yeah…in the previous apartment there was a guy who came by a lot…
Well there was the lovely Yan, who was sort of resident there but sadly his name was removed from the listing and now he isn’t there with them. He visited a few days ago though.
shucks and i missed it…
hes getting a place soon
Is that official? I certainly hope so.
@VHTV_James I submitted a request for a new camera on friday
The living room placement (unless you are seated in the couch) angles are quite low level , so you can have people there and all cams are cutting their heads
seems there is a loss of heads in the camera placements for most
I’ve checked - unfortunately, franchisee management decided not to add such an angle as it would cut part of sofa and wouldn’t make much sense cause of it
place isnt any good anyways and yan is getting his own place so forget it
@kaya can you ask about yans?
Just been told he is renting apartment today, so I guess gonna be online really soon:)
otto et lola son vraiment bien j aime leur façon de faire dommage que je peut pas leur parler est vhtv est vraiment un site bien
Thank you so much for confirming this. It is the best news I have heard so far today!!! Yan is adorable and certainly needs to be on our screens (again). So happy right now! May I hug you at this point please? …
Well without Yan girls this place is “useless” but finally seems the cam angles was changed and now it’s possible to see people in the place if they aren’t seated . Tks Support / @kaya for the improvement