Fuck dude the other day you mentioned you might quit VHTV because of finance (I am sure it was you but my memory sucks and I have no inclination of searching the forum as it is easier to apologise if I am wrong) and now you want to buy an air ticket for a supposedly damsel in distress. Have you heard of priorities?
Touche - yeah, that was me, it was just a figure of speech, you know? (And for what it’s worth, I’m still here only as an “guest” so to speak - I can only see the free cams but I can still participate in the forum) As for priorities, mine is seeing Barbie get fucked, regardless
Kidding dude, I am just fortunate and I realise that. As for Barbie or any other damsel in distress that we all worry about, well truth be told I am here to watch them and have no rescue in mind.
Rest assured, any rescue I have in mind is only temporary
I think Barbie is not a once off wham bang thank you mam type of girl, so best you start adjusting your long term plans if you wanting to do the rescue the damsel in distress thing.