Welcome Butterfly
Kleine Wohnung, ich bin gespannt…
Welcome to the party Butterfly
Thought that was Putin
Welcome Butterfly
Welcome Butterfly. All the best. And good luck.
There are already enough of these realms, you can see them doing nothing. Boring
Ja dass ist echt traurig . Nichts gegen diese Person ich verstehe einfach nicht warum man sich dann auf sowas einlässt . Jeder kennt (denk ich mal ) zu 90% den Sinn hier zu sein …
Bei mir muss nicht von morgens bis abends rumgevögelt werden aber einer Frau zuzusehen die nichts macht ist einfach langweilig. Da gibt es hier mehr als genug von.
But yes, he works. When he’s not sleeping, he’s on his phone or PC 95% of the time.
Where else do you want her to be? Maybe have a look around the different cameras and see if you spot anything
lets face it its a boring place and move on
She needs a man so she wont be on that laptop that much
or maybe a very sexy girl, maybe Candy red, both or boring LOL I went on here again ,still on bed but in another place of the bed
She been in bed seens the first day she started the project and what ever gets her of that bed and laptop because her apartment is boring she going to end up losing alot of views idk i might be wrong
I not sure you are wrong its true its boring other girls who live alone are a lot better