[BUG] Timeline gone

Seems the timeline is gone when you reload the site @VHTV_James

Then I’d rather not reload the page… :joy:

Thanks for the hint. :+1:

It just came back. I will monitor the issue…

And it is gone again.

And you speak about the tech guys at Viktors realm :thinking: I think that VHTV guys are on a par with them or even surpass them :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s never left for me (yes I have refreshed the page)

Right now it is back. I guess you did not reload.

Bei mir passt alles

I see no problems on my side. Monitor the issue please, but also please provide more debug information from your dev.tools straight to VHTV Support


I guess the site just coughed a bit. It was gone in ops panel and on main site for some minutes. Now everything normal again. I will keep a look and when happens again will show more info. It just happened too fast to collect any infos :wink:

Wait, what, They said every thing is fine… :man_shrugging:

Which one :thinking: Viktor or VHTV? :rofl: :rofl:

That would be Yes.


Timeline gone again.

Yes since 19:39 UTC

I’ve noticed that it’s stopped recording on most apartments it wont go to the present time.

Everything is normal for me… :thinking:

The issue took place indeed. It’s fixed now. Thank you for your reports :raised_hands:t3: