BTC Payment issue

The issue has been successfully resolved.

Long story short:

  1. We requested specific amount of BTC
  2. User sent more than we requested
  3. We provided services as per subscription type & longevity requested
  4. VHTV does not provide refunds via BTC.

We offered to compensate the overpaid amount as free subscription days at VHTV. Offer accepted, issue resolved.

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Thank you very much for your help. And I apologize for the misunderstandings

A good evening

The main thing is that with a happy ending :wink:

Yes. Thank Your for solving problem

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BTC withdrawal exceed limit from 0.001 to 0.002

@jabbath1987 @VHTV_James can u tell me why I got only 30 days for 49$

Before I purchased 0.001 bitcoins for 38-39 $

But bitcoins now exceed their limit of withdrawal to 0.002 so I purchased it for 49$

I thought I will get more days but still got 30 days :upside_down_face:

Please contact our support department to clarify the details

BTC is a very volatile currency. So the value of the BTC can change very fast.

There are also transcaction fees within the blockchain when you send BTC from your wallet to somebody else wallet.

I guess what happened is that you bought pretty much exactly the sum you needed to purchase your membership but did not think of the transaction fees and possible change in value of your BTC.

Even if you purchased now more you always need to exactly send the sum which is demanded. The fees will be added when you click send. If you send more it is nearly impossible to get it back as BTC transactions are always irreversible.

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The times were still good when you could pay with PayPal. No problems, no hassles and everything was ok.

I am aware that PayPal has changed its conditions and it is therefore no longer possible to use it to pay at VHTV. The possibility with Verotel also seems to be problematic for various users if Verotel does not accept the credit card.

But before I embark on the Bitcoin adventure, I would probably be better off not watching VHTV. I still have a little over 200 days left, but the clock is ticking and I hope that VHTV will offer working payment options for ALL users by then. And be it a perfectly normal bank transfer.

PayPal is banned in India I got only bitcoins option for payment but now itā€™s look like itā€™s going to more expensive for me :smiling_face_with_tear: U r right clock really start to tickingā€¦. donā€™t know when it will get stopā€¦:upside_down_face:

The price you get in BTC each time you want to subscribe to VHTV via BTC is different and depends on current exchange rates. The price is fixed to the price of subscription at VHTV. -10% discount is applied too.

It is vitally important to initiate a new VHTV Subscription each time you want to subscribe to VHTV in order to both:

  1. Get your temporary, unique address for you to send your BTC to.
  2. Get the actual rate for you to pay fair price.

Can you please explain this statement?

bitcoins donā€™t have the same value every time you use them depends on the current value of when you use themā€¦(I got that right)ā€¦

There is some withdrawal limit to send BTC to given address before when I copied address for payment itā€™s required 0.001
But today when I tried to send BTC to given address i got message that to withdraw or send BTC I should have 0.002 BTC

Vhtv address only require 0.001 BTC

I think payment provider made him make minimum payment to us of 0.002

Yes thatā€™s correct :pleading_face:

ok thanks (just trying to understand how bitcoins work) i am a still a newbie on this topicā€¦ :hugs:

Then Iā€™m waiting for your reply to support email and will check everything by tomorrow;)

Your statement was correct too:)

I learn fastā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: