I have a little luxury problem again, but we’re not just talking about bugs here, but also about improvements. and maybe it can be solved quite simply:
When I’m browsing the forum, the text in the browser tab changes every time I change the topic. It should be that way.
If I’m on the livestream page, that doesn’t happen. The tab name always remains the name of the apartment that was active when it was last started or updated.
Maybe just a small change in the header is needed to improve this…
Background to the question: I’m experimenting with other recording options for my timelapse videos, because I need more than just short scenes. and one of these methods accesses the name of the tab. Recently I was looking for a completed recording and found it under the name ‘Starlighthouse Pool’, even though I had recorded ‘Cinderella Kitchen’
I know exactly what you mean. When I open something in a new tab, that will be the title even if I change to something else. I’ve found that simply refreshing will reset the title and while it’s not really an issue for me, I can see how that would affect you and your video titles
das problem ist mindestens so alt wie ich die seite kenne bislang hat es mich nur noch nicht gestört. aber nur weil es nicht gestört hat heißt es ja nicht dass es unbedingt bleiben muss, falls es einfach zu beheben ist