Bono & Isabelle

mind you i think he keeps on looking at her

Can’t you blame him :slightly_smiling_face:

thats true she is lovely

I give a lot of credit to anyone who learns English, American or British, as both are full of strange spellings rules and pronunciations. Knight/night and red/read and blue/blew. Deer and ■■■■ rhythm but dear and bear do not. And God help us all with silent letters. Lets start a bunch of words with "p"s we will never pronounce!

is English and British not the same

looking at him again ,he looks about 10

she may fuck all 3 today

Is it just me or are the same (old) names being used here for the title of the page? I thought it had been changed to the new names (for the new people of course) but I still see ‘Bono and Isabelle’ as the title.

the site is not been updated yet

This is the archived page the new thread is here

To answer your question no, there is a few different types but mostly used is American English and Uk English

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His age was checked by support when he visited a couple of weeks ago. He is 19, almost 20.


No, English specifically is the language of England. Scotland has it’s own language (Scots Gaelic) Ireland also has Irish Gaelic. Wales has Welsh. These are all traditional languages. They all use English though as a common language.

I figured he was of age. Just looks really young!
Thanks :blush:

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ok thank you ,i did not think that VHTV would put in a u______e person he just looks young

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Just to weigh in on the English language conversation, the missing vowels from American English aren’t actually missing. That’s how British English was until the beginning of the 19th century. The additional vowels in words was an attempt to classicise the language with French and Latin. it’s a pretentious affectation. So, anemia becomes Anaemia and pediatrician become paediatrician for example. Modern American English is closer to true English than British English.

As far as the s vs z goes, that came about when newspaper print shop typesetters ran out of z’s and began susbstituting s which was more plentiful in their big box of letters. So they influenced British spelling choices.

American English is currently growing in popularity in the UK as a result of people not setting their devices to British English and using the US English dictionary instead. So at some point Britain will once again be correct and US English which is really British English, will become the standard.

So, I don’t really understand, Bono and Isabelle are leaving the apartment?

They appear to have left…for now anyway.

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At least now they don’t have enough time to participate like we expect them to. I think they will return later. They’re into events business and it’s high season for them, though they tried to stay with us.

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I admit though, I am still confused by this topic page remaining open, if they HAVE indeed left.

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