Bono & Isabelle

Never saw a scooter with a rear wing? :joy:

Wow you have led a sheltered life :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So is Isabelle sick or tired of putting up with Bonoā€™s fake s__t??? :astonished:

Every now and again I pop in to this apartment to see if they are doing anything different, every time Iā€™m disappointed. The same old boring naked guys whipping each other. They must think us gays lap up this s__t!

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You are completely correct itā€™s the same old same old every day Bono plays with the guys but none of the guys can touch isabelle itā€™s all about bono all the guest guys are pretty much made to watch as bono and isabelle have itā€™s a complete waste of time he is so insecure itā€™s crazy

Also there are some rules. Guys can touch him but never suck or fuck with him. One time earlier this month a guy tried to suck him when he was blindfolded and he got sooo mad. He thinks we are stupid with this gaybaiting buls__t. And yes, he only touches Isabelle, no other guy is allowed to.

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Wow thatā€™s unusual for a woman :rofl:

I know I find this place weird but kind of entertaining, well now that the weird decorations seems to have come to a stop, please OH please let this not be the entertainment we will have to endure.

Nun ja, ich kann verstehen, dass die Jungs fertig sind mit der Welt, nachdem sie wochenlang Bono beim ficken zusehen und es sich selbst besorgen musstenā€¦ :laughing:

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Lol good one :joy:

Well if they want to fuck someone best they get their lazy asses off the couch and go look for someone. If they are expecting it to be delivered, best they think again, pussy is not like pizza, it does not get delivered. :innocent:

Toppings are extra :rofl:

GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

Meh, depens on how much youā€™re willing to pay :sunglasses: :rofl:

Between the two of them I doubt they have enough money to get an empty pizza box delivered.

Well reminds me of the joke where a man in a restaurant orders elephant ham. As the waiter brings an empty plate and he asks where his food is the waiter answers: ā€œWell today is your unlucky day. You got the assholeā€ :joy: :joy:

Fuck off I was eating a ham sandwich, now I have to wipe the puke up :nauseated_face:

So now SAWA became a straight guy too. :expressionless:

I will never understand these guysā€¦

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so Bono being this cult leaderā€¦Iā€™m curiousā€¦ are these guys allowed to leaveā€¦haha