Best house?
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Best house?
Admin note: User didn’t provide post content, therefore I’ve copied the title here.
For VHTV cam workers, Maddy and Rocco hands down!
Kazantip house but thats just for one person.
Do you mean Junior?
Hell no.
Sabrina of course
When is she coming back?
Of course all houses have their merits. What I really like about Kristy and Timotheo house is their life in the house is completely open for everybody to see. They don’t hide anything.
Well that is hard. Elliot & Tessa I would say right now. But I will always come back to Goldie
In about a month
Her own place or with Scott again?
Sorry to say but most likely with Scott:)
Any chance to get Junior an own place without cams?
Thanks @kaya Looking forward to it.
@kaya any chance Violet can come back? Gawd I hope not, but I still wish I could see her again. I really did love that girl.
It was so long agoo. But I’ve asked manager, maybe he could tell us something about her life now:)
That would be freaking awesome. Yes, please an update would be great. She was at Grace’s place a while back with a new guy.
Unfortunately Jeka hasn’t heard anything to tell about her. At least we tried
Thanks! Really means a lot to me that you did that. No kidding. Thank you.
What about Grace?
From active appartments Elliot when was with leya. i would like jennifer and bradley to come back and sean with clarice