Best house?

Best house?

Admin note: User didn’t provide post content, therefore I’ve copied the title here.

For VHTV cam workers, Maddy and Rocco hands down! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Kazantip house but thats just for one person.

Do you mean Junior? :scream:

Hell no. :rofl: :rofl: Sabrina of course :heartpulse:

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When is she coming back?

Of course all houses have their merits. What I really like about Kristy and Timotheo house is their life in the house is completely open for everybody to see. They don’t hide anything.

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Well that is hard. Elliot & Tessa I would say right now. But I will always come back to Goldie :heart_eyes:

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In about a month :pleading_face:

Her own place or with Scott again? :scream: :joy:

Sorry to say but most likely with Scott:)

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Any chance to get Junior an own place without cams? :innocent: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks @kaya Looking forward to it. :hugs:

@kaya any chance Violet can come back? Gawd I hope not, but I still wish I could see her again. I really did love that girl.

It was so long agoo. But I’ve asked manager, maybe he could tell us something about her life now:)

That would be freaking awesome. Yes, please an update would be great. She was at Grace’s place a while back with a new guy.

Unfortunately Jeka hasn’t heard anything to tell about her. At least we tried :pensive:

Thanks! Really means a lot to me that you did that. No kidding. Thank you. :heart:

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What about Grace?

From active appartments Elliot when was with leya. i would like jennifer and bradley to come back and sean with clarice