
How the fuck is it obsessing? I only asked two questions and only after she made her comments about it. I don’t even post here like some of yall simps do and I already told you I don’t read this thread so how exactly am I obsessing? For fuck sake if she didn’t want to answer, she don’t have to. You acting like she need you to protect her from what exactly?

Makes you come across as very smart :roll_eyes:

Isn’t it miraculous that I can quote you then… :smirk:

So you respond in a thread you neither post in nor read? Amazing! :no_mouth:

I’m pretty sure it was little @Buster that was asking that question :wink:. We often ask dumb things when we think with the wrong head first. :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:


But it is a very “untimely” question and in all that Bella has just shared with us, it is disrespectful for her.

You are brave, friend. And so is Leo, Tony, Tina, your families, and all others who have been affected by this tragedy. We all hope that some day (soon!) this will all end and, even if it takes time, peace will take charge.

Send a message to the rest that they are not alone - and that there are some viewers out here in the world who actually do care. None of us, who are not there, can even imagine the psychological, emotional, and other pains it is causing.

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It’s funny everybody u know for a long time I didn’t know who Juicy J was
I thought it was a guest guy :joy:
I didn’t know it was a pet until I saw the pics❤️

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holy s__t!

I was absent for 2 and a half months for private reasons


what the FCK happened around here?

war broke out - she left the country - they broke up :cry:


Bella no sabes lo que feliz que me hace saber que están vivos y a salvo, eso llena mi corazón de tranquilidad, espero que tengas una mejor vida mientras todo esto pasa y a tony también, realmente ustedes son dos almas buenas que merecen mucho.

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Yeah. That’s it in a nutshell

Hey Bella. Can you show us your apartment? Is it big enough for you? @Bella_Leo

I hope you all gather again

I downloaded this months ago and ran across it today. Thought you might be interested. :smiley:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Jorgen & Belle

Bella is back!!! So good to see you and you look great for the traumas you have been through. I hope you continue to heal and be happy.

Some of the camera angles are a little high mainly the Living room cameras to much of the ceiling is showing.

Never mind looks like Bella is sorting them now.

Will there be a name change to Bella or is Leo going to join her??

Welcome back girl :heart_eyes:

