Bathroom Viewing

I am not sure that this matters but there appears to be a big bias by the people who select the clips towards bathroom viewing . i was away for a few days earlier this month and started to look though to see what I had missed . I did a very quick check on the number of clips and got the following data for the days 1st to 5th October -6 days .
Lounge cameras 74, Bedroom 114, Bathroom 130 and when you consider that there are 3 or more cameras in each lounge and bedroom and only 1 , sometimes 2, in each bathroom it would break the ratio down to something like lounge 25: bed 38: bath (say)120 : of which incidentally 65% were men, an amazing amount of men peeing. -Twice the number of bathroom viewings as bedroom and lounge together .
No complaints here generally, it is up to each of us what we watch and what we ignore, but this does look a little strange. I am not sure whether it says something about how boring the tenants are or the interests of the selectors.