Thanks for the info much appreciated
This has become ridiculous. Might as well just leave …
David do you know the ID of the guy camin in Poppy apartment? was now he left…sorry to bug u
Yes, the one I saw there not so long ago, was Yasha. You will find him in the directory, if you put his name in the search bar (you can find plenty of other people by doing the same thing).
guess he was camin on CB…not sure
No, not when I looked he wasn’t. Not sure what site he was on at the time.
Barbara online…alls well…
Hope the ISP issue gets resolved before New Years eve
Welcome back Barbara
ISP issues??? So often, so long? Even then, all you see is cam sessions…
i’m getting Lonesome again.
Appears Rino works around 9pm to 9am on some days given by the rush to get ready during those nights.
These might be some New Year gifts he received from work that he goes through before taking a well deserved nap.
Is Barbara actually living here anymore? I feel like she moved out on break and only came back that one day. All I’ve seen since they came back online is Rino.
Ya, me too. All we can do is wonder. Barbara brought in groceries. Was in the tub, then left.
Was around -21°C last night, so no surprise Rino slept next to the heater.