After finally banning the tripods the next step should be to finally ban all s__tty cams from the project. They have bad washed out colors, horrible sound with background noise and often make problems like video and audio not synced…
Here are the s__tty cams in the project which should be replaced ASAP:
The last one, fuck they are forever offline.
They are offline yes. I took the links from my list of s__tty cams. But forever? You know more about that?
and it’s pretty strange how as long as I have been on here how two people have allowed a cam to be at least put in the bathroom but they are the only ones. Out of all the new participants and apartments since then none have chosen to put any in a bathroom
can you confirm me our is still clear?
No problems with your cameras Hector for me here in Ireland
No problem with yours @Crerigan The s__tty cams are these ones:
But these type from 2017 should also go on the same cam k__l list
I wonder what make the camera’s are?
S__tty ones. The S__tty McS__tty Company. How they’re still in business I don’t know.