
This will be a nightmare :joy: None of them with tattoos :smile:

Would say Auriel be the one at left with necklace with a cross and black watch




Could be sisters look a lot alike

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No, for me they are not twins, one has her hair pulled back lower, and the hair dye is not the same either.

So we can hope for some girl/girl? :innocent:

Love this two… event without i love to watch them…

So they aren’t twins because the size and color of the hair??? :grin:

you cant be serious :joy:

srry… can’t help it :slight_smile:

He said ‘sisters’ not ‘twins’, and even identical twins don’t always have the same hair color, hairstyle, tattoos, etc., etc. :+1:

I completely disagree, when one dyes the hair on the other the change is automatic, the same goes for tattoos when one gets a tattoo, by magical arts appears in the other and in exactly the same position.

Now I have to go because the nurse is already there with the medication for the madness.

Continuing the discussion from Auriel & Piter:

Auriel has a birthmark to the left of her navel, thats the only permanent difference i can see just now.

Are you sure it’s Auriel ?

Tell her you need an extra dose, today. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh Pretty sure it is :slight_smile:


respect, you’re absolutely right, it’s something the @operators can use to keep them apart :slight_smile:


I don’t understand. Pretty sure what is? This is what you quoted.

“Tell her you need an extra dose, today. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But, your comment doesn’t seem to have anything to do with that. What did you mean? :confused: :confused:

He just replied to message (last one at time) instead replying (on purple button) …
It can be confusing if you aren’t used to it


Thanks @Sparkles thats correct, Sorry @letsdothis, the reply was for @HendrikIV and not in relation to what you had posted. Ill have to practice my replying :smile:

Wow, who is who.