
Moments before he also cums on her ass.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I donā€™t understand. I have just looked back on the timeline and Auriel did not look very happy about Piterā€™s return last night.


I saw same thing last nightā€¦. she was staring at him while he was doing dinnerā€¦. may be they have some personal problemsā€¦.:thinking: but today everything is ok between themā€¦:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:

In the end, Peter leaves, a very strange relationship, very cold sex between them and a very fake Auriel, who is not in love with Peter.

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How can you say thatā€¦ they are so much in loveā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart: canā€™t you seeā€¦


I think he left, because of her tantrum that night where she was throwing things at him. He has now returned and she wasnā€™t crying because he was back, she was disgusted with herself for f_____g him out, that coupled with the fact that he seemed to be giving her a bit of a cold shoulderā€¦ From the way it seemed she asked to come into the bedroom with him and when he held her she seemed very relieved, so much so they were very intimate. When she went to take her tampon out in the bathroom she nearly ran back to the bedroom like a spoiled schoolgirl after sweets. And the way she was sobbing at him on the sofa previously now makes sense that she was apologising to him for what she had done. I may be wrong but that was what the body language seemed to portray.

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They are still not a 100% there yet, look at her face, very tearful.

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Did they leftā€¦?:face_holding_back_tears:

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Has he masturbated since he came back?

auriel keeps crying i cant see these two lasting much longer in the project


Anyone know what Auriel leeps crying about?

I think Piter is definitely leaving and Auriel is trying to stop him by wanting sex all the time.

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Maybe he has either enlisted or been conscripted into the Army. Perhaps @VHTV_CEO or @VHTV_James could help us out and shed some light on just what is going on here please?

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I donā€™t see where it would be appropriate for VH to comment on participantā€™s personal lives, unless they have deviated from the script (just kidding). Plus information like this would be, in my opinion, bordering on identifying information. I know it can be frustrating not knowing whatā€™s going on, but sometimes we just arenā€™t meant to know.

The fact that he didnt masturbate during the last two days of his come-back , is a sign that something happensā€¦

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I am not asking for them to tell us about his life choices, just if he has left the project for good or if he will return at some point, sorry if I worded my request to vaguely.

Gotcha. Iā€™m sure as soon as they know theyā€™ll post something, but Iā€™ve only been around for a little over a month so I still have that newbie optimism. :grin:

Eā€™ incredibile come ogni comportamento strano di un partecipante lo leghiate sempre e solo esclusivamente al sesso, al tradimento o a certe stronzate inventate.
Nessuno che abbia pensato a qualche problema familiare o a qualche problema lavorativo che ha costretto Piter ad allontanarsi dal progetto. No. Meglio pensare che se ne va perchƩ non gliene frega niente di Auriel. Mah!