I have noticed that many participants in Far eastern Russia appartments (GMT +7 and GMT +6) look Asian.
Is the population in Far Eastern Russia mostly Asian?
Well on the borders to Mongolia and also in the far eastern CIS states there is Asian looking population. Yes.
In principle, the territory of Russia to the east of the Urals is Asia. And a huge number of Asians live there.
That is right. But the more “Asian looking” people start appearing further east than on the Europe / Asia border
You need to come to Moscow, you will quickly understand your mistake.
Have been there about 10 years ago. It was just like in all other huge cities. A lot of different nationalities and different looking people.
If you are talking about the indigenous Asian population, then it just begins right behind the Ural Mountains. There is just a stereotype that Asians look like Chinese or Japanese or Koreans. In fact, Asia is huge, and a huge number of Asians live on its territory, who look different. But they are all Asians. Hindus, Pakistanis are also Asians.
Yes we were talking about that kind of people. Of course Asia consists of many many more different people.
Well, let’s say Ufa is a city in +5 time zone, and there are already quite a lot of Asians, as Europeans are used to seeing them.
Yes that was exactly what I was saying. And in the places we talked about we have +6 GMT even…
It is not so important. For example, I was in Kamchatka (this is +12 time zone), and there are not so many native Asians there (unfortunately, this is simply because they became extinct or mixed with the newly arrived Europeans).
Wow this is really far east. Almost in Alaska
It’s literally “across the street”
The Bering Street
Do the indigenous people of Siberia , the ones who lived there before Siberia was conqured by tsars, look like Asians? Dos it mean the asian looking participants we see in appartments GMT+6 and GMT+7 are actually indingenous siberians ?
Yes. It is possible
In principle, yes, the indigenous population of Siberia was of the Asian type. But the inhabitants of realms +6 and +7 are not necessarily native Siberians.
So where are they from ?
This is already close to the disclosure of personal data. I can’t answer you (for example, because I don’t know - this is not my area of responsibility).