What impressed me was when Ariela received a message that Sebastian was on the way, She became happy and dressed like the old days… in a nice way… She fix her hair and stood by him all the time Maybe they we’ll see each other again after all…they can be Friends
I wish it were so, but Sebastian barely made any contact. Ariela always tried to contact Seb. I think the communication between the two is over. I’m really curious about Will.
I saw that right maybe Sebastian found out she’s kind alone and wanted to look very serious we’ll see…
I would love to see them both together again.
I have a feeling Ariela is going to invite him over for dinner
Mmm, yo vi distancia de parte de Seb. Apenas hicieron contacto visual. Y en cuanto a ella, creo que se “vistió” (tenemos conceptos distintos de vestirse, yo a lo sumo me pongo bombacha y corpiño para recibir a alguien jejej), pero para marcar esa distancia. Porque simplemente, no podría abrirle desnuda a un hombre con el que puede quedar afecto pero se terminó lo amoroso.
Mi parecer es que aun tienen temas pendientes por resolver. No sé, noté cierta tensión en el aire.
Y mientras él siga buscando cosas a cuenta gotas en ese departamento, la historia no va a terminar jamás (no lo digo creyendo que se unirán como pareja, sino - más bien - como “estirar” la separación por larga rato).
¿Tu impresión es que Ariela y Seb cenarán juntos?
I didn’t say she should be naked just carefully nicely dressed even now she’s happy not like she was yesterday no fun she seemed downhearted
Ya sé, no quise ser literal…para mí desnuda también es tener una bata y solo eso. Quiero decir, que vestirte, es ponerte un poco la armadura.
Pero tranquilo, no estoy diciendo nada que minimice su belleza.
Y sí, se la ve decaida.
I think they both had a hard time, they were very “afraid of each other”! Seb must have seen what happened in the apartment, and no matter how much someone loves a WOMAN, how long should he be emotionless if he loved her! Time has made all the old agreements between them null! I feel a little sorry for them because I watched them from the beginning, they were a very interesting lovable couple, despite their compromises!
Seb already moved on. He’s making a new life for itself and his d______r.
In fact, Ariela wanted a new life with the Will story, I don’t think Seb looked favorably on her, as if he wanted to protect her because she felt the man’s negative radiation and violence! Ariela lived her free and presumably happy life! Sometimes I feel that she doesn’t really find her place and an acceptable man who would accept her in the apartment! Of course, with freedom, he obviously lives outside the apartment, the disappearances are not accidental!
I think that Ariela and Sebastian’s philosophies of life no longer travelled in the same direction at some crossroads.
I wouldn’t dare to judge which philosophy has taken the wrong direction.
And yet I’m always happy to see Ariela.
It would be even better if they could get back together. But unfortunately, I’m ruling out this option at the moment.