
It’s incredible this propensity of some people to want to impose their conception of morality.
Participating in VH means accepting to be constantly under the gaze of others. It’s accepting being a public figure.
A public figure has to accept criticism, if he doesn’t accept it, he has no business being on VH.
No member of the VH forum has the right to tell other members what they are allowed to say.
The only obligation is not to insult and not to repeat the same criticism 10 times a week.
A criticism has never been an insult as some people seem to believe.


Elle est dans un pays qui est considéré comme une dictature, entouré de pays qui ont la même mouvance (président à vie, ayatollah…… ) et visiblement beaucoup sur ce forum ont le même esprit. Le forum, d’après eux ne devrait servir qu’à louer les acteurs sans émettre de critique ni se poser de questions. Il est vrai que les pays où l’on a le droit de dire ce que l’on pense sont rares dans notre monde et visiblement un certain nombre de participants au forum sont plus proche d’un h… ou d’un ay… que d’un Voltaire ou autre. Les participants-acteurs font ce qu’ils veulent et on n’a pas à les critiquer mais l’on peut se poser des questions sue le pourquoi.
Pour beaucoup on a juste le droit de dire qu’elle est belle (et je suis d’accord) et de s’extasier parce qu’elle aime les fleurs.


In my opinion Ariela is a beautiful woman who can and should choose her men. VHTV is lucky to have such interesting women. I like to see her in a bathrobe.


that is only partially true.
First and foremost, we all have to recognize that someone we see in public lives differently than we ourselves. Criticism is ONLY appropriate when there is actual misconduct.
Unfortunately, in the forum too often ‘I don’t understand what she’s doing’ is equated with ‘she’s not doing what I expect of her’… which is then unfairly expressed as criticism.
Conversely, we are all ‘public’ with our opinions in a certain way… and if we express ourselves incorrectly, choose the wrong words when we actually wanted to say something different, we also have to face criticism. especially if someone attracts negative attention almost exclusively through what feels like unjustified criticism.
And compared to Ariela, we have to deal with it here…



no, you are a guest in her house, in her private space…she ALLOWS you to observe her… if you cannot or do not have respect for that, you do not belong here…


I wish the lucky person would come home. The red underwear she wore on New Year’s Eve is ready.


Boo whooo, i had hoped Ariella was going au natural but no its shaving time :cry:


I still don’t understand why people want to watch her and then BITCH about her actions!
Life is full of ups and downs, maybe she is more like our society now and I refuse to condemn her for her choices! I hope she stays on this site for many months.


That which we do not understand we condem.


Nem kötelező itt lenni , el lehet menni kórházba dolgozni vagy egy mosodába .Pénzt kapnak azért, hogy nézik őket.El kell tűrniük mindent és ez így helyes.

sexy pirate Ariela


Akik itt élnek a kamerák előtt, tisztában kell , hogy legyenek azzal , egyszer a gyerekeik , unokáik is látni fogják ezeket a történéseket .Felesleges itt minden erkölcsi magasságból kommentelni , főleg fizetni is érte .

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Parece que se vienen noches lejos de casa…Ella metio shampoo y cremas en la mochila sin fondo :smile:


tonight’s dress code is red :red_circle: :heart:


No, she shows herself to us for money, we must not forget that.
There should be no mistake in the discussion. I have absolutely nothing against Ariela, I would never criticize her.

Those I criticize are those who arrogate to themselves the right to impose their way of thinking.
When some people say if you don’t like the apartment, just don’t look at it, I say if you don’t like what’s written, stop reading.

Someone mentioned Voltaire, French philosopher. Voltaire said: I am opposed to your ideas, but I will fight so that you can express them.

What shocks me is that in certain countries the population is poor to the point of fucking in public because it allows them to have money, their presence is not voluntary, it is imposed by circumstances.
The “moralists” never talk about it, this reveals their hypocrisy.

I admit that I look to see pretty girls, but I’m not specifically looking for couples who live naked all day long, who fuck 2 or 8 all day long. I’m looking for real life, not watching a pornographic show.
If some people are enthusiastic about Fox or the very special show at Marcel et Flora, it doesn’t bother me or shock me even if I don’t like it.

I’m not saying I’m right, I’m saying my feeling is that I must be part of a minority on VH.


Perhaps everything is taken far too seriously. Because everyone interprets what we see differently. And it should all be for our enjoyment. At least that’s how I see it. And as long as there are no insults or any unreal demands in the comments. I think it’s okay.


Completely agree, we are dealing with people whom we do not know, we do not understand their language and about whom we know absolutely nothing about their real lives, we cannot go much further than the sexual scenes, which is ultimately the object for which we all look. Everything else is nothing more than the fantasies that can be created in some lonely minds.


Exposing one’s ideas and doubts does not mean imposing anything on anyone and in any case I am of the opinion that one must have the freedom to express without having to suffer obligations of thought as long as everything remains within education and respect.

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