Ahora mismo parece que tiene mas acción que en los ultimos 3 meses (la cama).
PS: el chico no es el que se quedó a dormir ayer…
Well he will later
“I get bruises on the mattress”, Ariela said to me a while ago. The spring cores are probably no longer the best, and the foam around them is also sagging. But as long as she has a functioning couch, she saves the cost of replacing it.
Rabbit noise when s___ping can chase you out of the room.
Y el sillón debe ser bastante bueno pese a que ha tenido un montón de uso
O también podría llevar a sus mascotas a otro ambiente si a ella le interesara o tuviera razones para quedarse en su propia habitación.
shes got some jugs on her
Now thats familiar, a quick fanny wash and straight out, remind you of anybody!
En estas últimas 24hs evidentemente a la nueva visita no le importó la calidad de los resortes se la pasó acostada en esa cama jajaj
The guest girl left the house. I wonder if she will come back?
Will nobody think of the poor little a____ls. May the good lord preserve their little souls. All alone in the dark there. Oh, it breaks my heart to think of it.
Ask your “good Lord” to feed them and everything will be fine for them…
He’s probably a little busy just now with the lotto results …
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Alleria
Dessy is back to look after the pets and this time she has brought food, so maybe be staying a few days.
With all due respect to Ariela, who I really appreciate and enjoy watching. This also applies to her alibi guests, who are only in the flat sporadically. I have nothing against these people either.
There’s just one point that bothers and annoys me enormously. It’s the way they treat, or rather don’t treat, the pets. They sit in their homes for days, if not weeks. And they can hardly move at all. They have no exercise. What’s more, the a____ls have no conspecifics or contact with their owners. Really sad!
watching desi the house sitter i think she is as bored as we are , way she just wandering about the place
Fue como un delivery: abrís la puerta, vas a la cocina y ¡pum!