
Not sure what food has to do with what I said

Love mushrooms !! :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Ariela started preparing food for Guest :blossom: :tulip: :blossom:


c’est pas des invitĂ©s c’est des viatiques

Will reviens 

oui il va revenir quand le garde mangé sera vide .

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I guess she is going out again tonight,

i very much doubt it, it’s pains me to say that but since Will come onto the scene it’s a different world that we see,

Look at some of Will from a few years ago, he is strange!


Instructive stories that could be seen (and what could not be seen), but maybe that’s how Ariela caught her attention! It will be sorted out, we don’t have to worry about Ariela, let’s hope she’s mature enough to know what she’s doing!

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Ariela va pasar la noche fuera , ha metido su pijama en la mochila

SerĂĄ cuestiĂłn de ver si vuelve con alguien
los Ășltimos dĂ­as ha pasado eso :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

That would be nice but I think we will see her on Monday

Hat man vergessen sie abzuholen? Sie hat das kleine rote Kleid eingepackt, in dem sie die wunderbare Fotoserie im Schnee produziert hat.
Hochachtung fĂŒr den Kontrast im Schnee nur das rote Kleid und dann noch ausgezogen und ĂŒber das GelĂ€nder am Weg abgelegt.
Viel Spaß heute Ariela

She actually wants to go to a rare party to meet friends, but she’s far too tired for that

and it looks like the decision has been made for her and tiredness is winning

Gone again, off to the land of nod.




Dors belle Ariella. La santĂ© et le sommeil d’abord. Prends bien soin de toi. La vie et longue et bien d’autres Ă©preuves t’attend. Dors et demain tout ira mieux.


All excited for a big night out