
I think they leave them up for months as they do not have 12th night

To exaggerate, the prostitute is evil, but the man who accepts the services of the prostitute is an angel.

Ariela has never done anything that would have justified criticism from outside.

She has an open relationship and both partners had fun with other people. Either alone or as a couple.

Whether Ariela had sex with one man or 20 people doesn’t matter to you at all. You’re not going to ask everyone about their “body count” either, are you?

For one person, a 2-digit number is reprehensible, while another may have a 3-digit number or more.

I always find it interesting that the very people who find this particularly bad know about all the (sex) sites and have a list of all the possible café names and jobs of any participants.


That’s the way it is, it’s her life and she has to be happy with it.

Perhaps she still needs to agree it with her partner, who has also clearly communicated here that this is her way of life.

If this flat is so reprehensible, then what were the other flats here that were/are clearly geared towards sex for onlookers?


Somebody is doing well with a 3 digit body count :joy: :joy: :joy:

In any case, Ariela has more fans than haters.
But I can understand her if she no longer wants to read or respond to the confusing fantasies and pseudo-psychological discussions of some trolls.


Smoothie in color that perfectly matches the bathrobe :smiley:


I shall miss this beautiful lady if she leaves.

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shes a woman . you can bet your bottom dollar she will still read the forum , no woman likes to be in the dark when it comes to other peoples opinions of them . she may not reply , but 100% shes checking in ,so get your praises in ,if you feel that way , it will cheer her up no end i bet


does not go away stays as a participant but goes away from the forum (because of certain trolls)

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Same haters are in numerous rooms. It would be hard for anyone read the things directed directly at them. That is the reason we are loosing so many of the good rooms.

Ce qui serait intĂ©ressant serait de savoir pourquoi Ariela dĂ©chaine les passions comme ça. Ce qu’elle fait n’a rien d’extraordinaire comparĂ© Ă  certains appartements. certaines filles font l’amour avec 3 differents en 1h, d’autres avec 2/3 ĂĄ la fois 

 mais il n’y a pas de commentaires negatif. Alors pourquoi elle ? Jalousie ? Personne se projetant en compagnon d’Ariela et n’admettant pas cela ? J’ai un peu de mal Ă  comprendre mĂȘme si j’ai quelques idĂ©es (je ne sais plus trop qui avait expliquĂ© la psychologie des gens mais qui, Ă  mon avis, ne s’appliquait pas lĂ  Ă©tant donnĂ© la prĂ©sence des cameras et les implications financiĂšres).


Don’t blame her. I stopped reading what was being said and just started to look at her pictures. To much negativity, speculation and condemnation for me to be bothered reading what was being said. If I didn’t like it can’t even begin to imagen how she feels about it. As the saying goes and in my case “if you don’t like it keep on scrolling” so I have and just stopped you admire her beauty.

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:lotus: :lotus: :lotus:


Se fosse stato un maschio a rimanere solo nell’appartamento, a quest’ora avrei letto solo commenti negativi, che Ăš noioso ecc. Invece piĂč le ragazze sono da sole nell’appartamento piĂč gli utenti apprezzano.

:lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus:


:heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:


New Guest


Isn’t that pieter?

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I don’t think we have ever seen this man before.

Pietr was much slimmer, a more refined face, as in sharper features.