
But as time goes on things change and Ariellas life on here is not just about having rumpy pumpy every 5 mins if you want that look at XXX sites even Cydea, the succeser to Lillian, has lads round and only has a kiss and cuddle.

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Wow a new friend has come to visit.
Girl Talk


Oui , tout Ă  fait d’accord. La vie ne rĂ©sume pas au corps, au sexe. Être regardĂ©, apprĂ©ciĂ© pour sa personnalitĂ©, pour sa sensibilitĂ© affective et les centres d’intĂ©rĂȘt qui tĂ©moignent de votre personnalitĂ©, est au final le plus important. La beautĂ© extĂ©rieur attire, la beautĂ© intĂ©rieure retient. Ariella est une belle femme mais avec un cerveau bien remplis et une trĂšs grande sensibilitĂ©, ce qui tĂ©moigne d’une rĂ©elle intelligence. Ariella est un diamant brillant mais qui peut ĂȘtre coupant entre chaque facette. Je suis sĂ©duit

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Ariella est trĂšs sĂ©duisante dans sa façon libre de vivre. Nue ou habillĂ©e, en compagnie d’hommes ou de femmes, elle dĂ©gage une assurance si naturelle, si instinctive. Le charme Ă  l’état pur. :+1::+1:

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Je ne suis pas tout Ă  fait d’accord avec toi. Je ne connais pas les centres d’intĂ©rĂȘts d’Ariela mais sa personnalitĂ© est typique (tout comme celle de Sebastien d’ailleurs ). Elle est peut-ĂȘtre (voir sĂ»rement) intelligente mais je ne suis pas sĂ»re que l’on puisse en juger (mĂȘme en comprenant la langue que je ne comprends pas). Le comportement des gens n’est pas le mĂȘme avec des cameras, Ariela est rarement lĂĄ, parfois dans la journĂ©e oĂč elle se repose (actuellement mais elle a trĂšs souvent travaillĂ© la nuit). On a plus (mais je me trompe sĂ»rement) l’impression de quelqu’un qui s’apprĂȘte Ă  partir qu’autre chose. Le forum sert (thĂ©oriquement) Ă  discuter, commenter mĂȘme fantasmer mais c’est vrai qu’un certain nombre de personnes n’admettent pas que l’on ait une autre opinion qu’eux. P.S. Pas facile de dire des choses sans froisser qui que ce soit et sans se faire caviarder.


une nouvelle proie peut-ĂȘtre pour notre plus grand espoir !

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c’est tellement juste en terme de libertĂ© de parole. C’est malheureusement ce qui est dommage sur ce forum. Et parfois, certaines questions, pourtant assez intĂ©ressante voire pertinentes pourraient ĂȘtre Ă©lucidĂ©es.
La spĂ©culation, interprĂ©tation n’est malheureusement pas permise. Si vous souhaitez Ă©changer Ă  ce propos, il faut passer par des simples messages de ce que j’ai compris.

and @samain:
But that’s not really true. There is little to be said against speculation, as long as it remains such.
But when such speculations take on a life of their own as alleged truths and someone bases their world view on them, one has to be allowed to show the limits of actual reality. Anything beyond that should remain in the users’ heads, not in the forum. Because as much as some people love it: we are not a fan fiction forum here


Ariela is crying again. I feel sad when I see her like this. :relieved:


I was going to say every girls idea of a night in, pajamas and chocolates.

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We transition from crying Ariela to dancing Ariela. we would love to see this Ariela. Leaving the house for a short time and doing shopping lifted her spirits. I hope she will always be this happy



It’s proof of how much Ariela needs stability. I am convinced that in the end this girl will find what she needs, I just hope that she understands that the path is not to go to someone who only gives her fake affection to get only what she needs, but that she can find people on her path who they give her the security that will one day allow her to have a future as she desires, full of happiness and satisfaction.

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you always have something to say about this apartment if I look at your profile you practically only write about this apartment you are obsessed

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I’m writing about this apartment because I’m interested, I’m not obsessed and it’s not up to you to judge


obviously not but is it possible that you only write in this apartment.

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I have explained several times why I write, I have been approved several times by those directly involved, I am not inappropriate and I respect the rules
Why do I have to write about areas that don’t interest me?


if you respect the rules you can write whatever you want
it was just my curiosity don’t take it badly

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