Was soll das DUMME Gerede hier, hört auf solch Geschwafel zu Reden/Schreiben, null Ahnung aber son Müll zu schreiben mehr geht bei euch nicht oder wie
Guys. What you have written doesn’t make much sense this end probably due to the translation and it may be the translation didn’t come out correctly your end either. I was just explaining why I didn’t think Ariella was escorting. No more to be said - by me anyway!
Nebudeme přece platit za to že jí vidíme jak si domů přijde sbalit věci a zase odejde !!
Do you think I care what you want to pay for? I rest my case. How hard can it be to understand that one should not call a girl an “escort” without any “evidence”!
Mě je jedno jestli eskortuje nebo ne ale proč by měla být placená když je prázdný dům? Pokud chce mít soukromí tak ať jde do práce. Já myslím že o te eskortě by se dalo polemizovat … kolik už měla chlapů a kolik páírů … nic proti jejímu stylu, to ať si žije jak chce ale proč mi by jsme jí mělo platit, za nic?? Zamyslete se nad sebou, nikomu přece nedáte peníze jen tak
Do like the rest of us. Find something else to watch!
We can call her a porn actress (of which we do have evidence). I guess that elevates his status
Ariela is a beautiful woman who should be treated with respect and saying that she’s an escort is mean and harsh
I will always defend Ariela
Zamilovaný blázen … bez šance … neboj, to časem přejde Ale nerozporuju že je hezká…
Is it possible to have this many opinions about an empty apartment? I give up!
An empty apartment is like a blank canvas. fill it with imagination and anything is possible
Just a little reminder to play nice and drop these useless accusations. Keep it cool and respectful please, or we may have to step in
Black canvas is too shy and amphibious some say
that’s why it’s blank, not black
This never happened
maybe you should borrow my binoculars to read properly?
Shall I climb down from my tree?
Aaahh so cute. Just drop it, I’ll catch it. I would never ask you to climb down
thanks for that, can I get it back?
I am here in a perfect place for me
how do you censor people who don’t respect the rules maybe there should be limits for those who are on cam too and all this mess would be avoided.
Imagine girl living her life freely, while the poor members are deprived of the daily joy of offending her. Nowadays tragedy