
It’s exactly what you wrote or one of them. The member is tired of writing his own opinion( or most likely has no opinion) and just gives a thumbs down. He should at least know that he has to respect the opinion of others and the images we present and what we write is what we see liked or not If he can’t understand that, there’s no point in knowing why he’s doing it.

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I appreciate all the beautiful photos, because they help us to follow the journey through the pictures
It’s a pity some of them don’t have a date/time

When there is sex or an event I put it a date, time if the participants take bath, painting, cleaning the Realm or cooking there is no point in putting it

Ariela had just been talking to someone on the phone, crying. She said my 4-year relationship was a file. She was complaining about something. She said he didn’t have any friends. She said he had a thematic friend. I think she was angry with Sebastian

2-3 days ago there was an offer on Friday evening. “Do you want to come too?” she asked Sebastian. I guess he didn’t accept it. she got angry at him

I guess she is talking to the same person via texting now. Because we understand what they say. Because the same sounds are coming from behind


Just for me to understand. You can understand and translate the language of Ariela and Seb? Just for info.

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I can understand very little, not all.

It has a heating problem. She literally gave her house address. If I go to her city I will go to visit :smiley:

Thank you for your reply.
About the heating: I’m sure that’s why Ariela is always allowed to s___p closer to the heating in the bedroom. :+1:

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There was a job offer in the evening. There may be a hot water problem. hasn’t spent time in the bathroom for a long time


Please be careful with what you translate and share here. To understand what’s going on, you have to know the overall context of the last few months.
I’m actually extremely glad that no one here understands much. The speculation of the last few weeks would have been even more extreme if our troll factory had put together a story from fragments of conversations.

Ariela told someone that something was postponed but she would definitely go. Could it be will’s birthday party?

what the hell


I believe Not understanding what is being said, is aid to causing most of the guessing that is happening.

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But only understanding apart of it doesn’t really help with understanding overall. then it’s better not to understand anything… and not to speculate. so not public. and certainly not as if one know the facts, as our trolls like to do here

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All speculations, guessing, etc. Should Best be keep to Oneself…I do… Trolls will always Know it all :thinking:
Most here will not trust the reporting from someone who speaks as if He/She totally gets what is being said in ANY Realm here…But, It would be nice to have the full experience of voyuering with the conversations as well as the fun :slightly_smiling_face: Built in Translators. :nerd_face:

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@Sebastian I ask this out of curiosity. Maybe you can answer. Aren’t you bothered at all? Please answer this at least.