Give it a rest now
Your fairy tales are worse than those of the Brothers Grimm… but their fairy tales at least had an instructive message. yours are just annoying
You really think he knows who that is?
I first wanted to compare it to the worst fairy tale of all time: the Bible. But some people might feel provoked by this comparison
Ahahah for some of them the truth will hurt
They are here to show their lives publicly. not to listen to or respond to silly suspicions.
Your fantasies are allowed, as long as keep them to yourself!
That’s exactly why these ‘mental suppression marketing departments’ retain their power.
and how do you justify that? because she is a beautiful woman? because she does an erotic photo shoot every few months? or just because she dares to leave the house? and what’s more, without telling us where she’s going?
understand. So you added one and one and got 11… yes, that’s a possible solution, depending on the problem. But if I were you, I wouldn’t automatically consider it the only possible solution.
You shouldn’t waste your thoughts on things that you neither understand nor concern you.