Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

He’s like a police informant :rofl::rofl:

LOL!! Just responding to the BS above. I wanted to check out the alarming speculation. Someone else was commenting about how they (S&A) hadn’t had any sex in a long time. I saw them in a GOOD caressing and stroking session night before last. You know how Artiela likes caressing.

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This apartment is becoming more of a tip by the day. :grimacing:

I saw Ariela stroke Seb once (few weeks ago) she is good at it.Softness and delicacy lol.

Untidy maybe but never dirty, ariella has been on a bit of a mission thought she might be expecting as she has had stomach cramps the last few days.

ma scusate cosa stanno mostrando???per giorni non si dicono 1 parola ,ariela si masturba 4 volte in bagno consumando 300 litri di acqua,seb che mattina e sera si masturba guardando i video di ariela.hanno scelto loro di avere le cam in casa …ho visto altri progetti che senza fare sesso dimostravano di essere una coppia con almeno un dialogo giornaliero…qui esiste solo il telefono per i 500 messaggi giornalieri…questo è il mio pensiero e non pretendo che cambi una virgola di quello che loro hanno scelto di fare


ho smesso di seguirli per la coerenza in quello che fanno o vogliono dimostrare e sono veramente felice di averlo fatto non mi sono perso niente

jere she maybe expecting, if so the kid is not seb. test

Proof please!!!

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read jere post above please smartass

Sorry Twit, I dont see any post from Ariela or Sebastian that sayes she is pregnant. Short of that it;s all conjecture

I understand that there has been little to comment on this apartment for some time but I really don’t understand what you are all writing now. can you be clearer and above all write true things? I’m not referring to sheldon because unfortunately what he says is what you see

i said if she was expecting you mental retard.

where is Ariela? She hasn’t been home since yesterday afternoon …


Well, between 1800-1900 hours, day before yesterday, Seb was pissed off and left the apartment. Ariela was very angry and emotional and crying in the kitchen while she was on the phone with someone. I wish I understood the language so I could know what was said. Havent seen her really since.

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She got a hug from seb though she did not take much with her.

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dal poco che ho capito deve essere via con maicol…oea scrivo una cosa che non a tutti fara piacere ma è quello che penso…se fossero onesti con se stessi e rispetto a tutti quelli che pagano un ncanone mensile per farli guadagnare un po chiudono il progetto e ognuno per la sua strada…avanti cosi è deleterio per loro e anche per chi guarda questo modo inutile di convivere


stop trying to construct a drama out of your opinion, which probably doesn’t exist in this form. if you have a dislike for their lives then go somewhere else and leave them and us alone

credo di non essere il solo a pensare cosi lo vedo dal tempo che passa ad avere messaggi su questo progetto…mi dispiace per loro ma stanno facendo di tutto per allontanarci

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