Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)


He’ll be back…

Soo fucking hot, loved every second :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :fire: :fire: :fire:

oh now will mr. big/long brought… to train for seb? :wink:


Can`t wait for Seb to come home and give her a proper blast, she was craving for it last night :fire: :fire:

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I don’t think it’s shyness it’s the problem as they probably came here for sex with A&S, it’s might be the thought of having a bunch of perverts watch her. Are you sure you’re not Carlos because you love using the same words :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:

Who the fuck is this Carlos , lol? :thinking: :thinking: :man_facepalming:


I have said that in my opinion the cams put her off :+1:

Scroll up a bit and you’ll see he loves complaining about people being shy and he hates the dark, I certainly wouldn’t like his electricity bill :rofl: :rofl:

Well, i am the same on this one :+1:


By the way shes jumping on that dildo, shes more than ready for Seb :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


from everyone involved!

Super :+1: loved everything :heart: :heart:

Ariela thanks x the sweetness and patience you used with your guests for me best night of 2022, congratulations

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Looks like Seb is not going to get his share of action :cry: :cry:

no script can capture the necessary patience to turn an idea into reality with a lot of feeling. ariela knows what she can do and how to get others to make their own wishes come true. without pressure or coercion, without persuasion. just by being natural … and a certain sk__l not to do or say the wrong thing at the right moment

some should take the last hour as an example or consider it a lesson. THAT’s how it is done if you want to do it right!

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100% agreed, unfortunately another girl with Ariela`s experience and personality it is extremely rare to find.

I’m here, only now I could see what happened, I unlike many people here where everything that happens is good, why is that? I have no problem criticizing and praising at the same time, what happened here was excellent, and I confess that it surprised me (positively of course) I didn’t expect the guests to do what they did, I thought they weren’t relaxed enough yet, but anyway, I repeat, what happened here was excellent, very good